february, 2019

Event Details
Open Dialogue combines a way of understanding mental distress, a therapeutic practice and way of organising mental health and social care services. Originating in Western Lapland, and supported by an
Event Details
Open Dialogue combines a way of understanding mental distress, a therapeutic practice and way of organising mental health and social care services. Originating in Western Lapland, and supported by an emerging evidence base that demonstrates exciting recovery outcomes, Open Dialogue is being implemented in a range of settings across the world (including the USA, Denmark, Italy, Australia and Japan).
The approach is systemic at heart, working with the person and those who are important in their lives (e.g. family and/or friends). Its commitment to dialogue, valuing different perspectives, transparency and continuity has inspired passionate support from consumers, carers, clinicians and managers alike – leading to its implementation in a number of NHS Trusts and gaining funding for a large RCT in England.
In this evening dialogue, supported by inside out and associations, I will be exploring my experiences of the implementation of Open Dialogue approaches in England alongside trainers-in-training on the current Sydney-based Open Dialogue course. We will explore some of the challenges in developing Open Dialogue approaches in practice, as well as some of the things that have worked. I’m hoping it’ll be an authentic and honest discussion that maintains a sense of optimism that we can work together to transform mental health and social care services. Rather than having those of us with lived experience as an ‘add on’, I’ll also be making a case for the importance of survivors being at the heart of any Open Dialogue development.
Tickets $5 (concessions), $20 (full)
(Wednesday) 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm AEDT
Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney
88 Mallett Street, Camperdown Campus
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