Following on from the Sun article, Time To Change asked me to speak with Full House Magazine about my experiences. Again, I was a little dubious as these magazines have a reputation for sensationalisation and the ‘shock! horror!’ version of my story may do little to counter people’s stereotypes. Still, after speaking with the journalist about their hopes for the article I was willing to give it a try.
The result was pretty good, considering the context. The journalist was willing to edit some of the story and change some of the language that was used (including removing the ‘illness’ word, which I would hate to be associated with).
It’s strange reading someone else re-tell your story, though, using the first person. They use words and descriptions that I, myself, would never use. In part, it’s a work of fiction (the journalist had to find a way of condensing the story and retelling it in a way that she thought would make sense to her readership). My voices are unrecognisable in it – the experience is much more complex than the article gives it credit for.
Still, as with The Sun article – it does go some way to challenging the stereotypes that exist in the popular media. Ok, so I’m labelled – but I’m still a human being. I was also happy that they included the fact that I no longer take medication.
One thing made me laugh, though. When I went to buy the magazine on the day it was published I was looking through the magazines at the newsagents, only to see my face staring back at me with the words ‘Was I abducted by aliens?’ (or something similar) in bold. I’m sure at least part of my home town think I’m a little unusual now 🙂
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