Having trained as an Open Dialogue Practitioner with Open Dialogue UK in London, and working as a practitioner for a year with the first Open Dialogue team in the UK that combined crisis and community care, I’m keen to encourage Open Dialogue initiatives in Leicestershire – now I’m a local.
To support this, I’m offering a one day workshop to introduce the principles and practice of Open Dialogue at a special price (buy one place get one free). I hope this will help more people access it, bringing more voices to the table.

Because it takes time to develop a new approach in a new area, and lots of planning and networking, the workshop will also take aspects of the approach and consider how they can be used within your existing context/role.
You can book your ticket at the bottom of this page, or download the course flyer:
Course Details
Date: 29th March 2019
Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm
Venue: Big Shed Conferencing, 93 Commercial Square, Freemens Common, Leicester, LE2 7SR
Full price: £75* (includes NHS, statutory and/or commercial agencies)
Reduced price: £50* (includes those who are self-funding and voluntary sector/charity organisations)
Concessions: £20* (this is a special rate for those unable to afford the reduced fee, intended for those who are self-funding and are unwaged, students and/or on a low wage. We ask that people only choose this if they cannot afford the £50 rate).
Special Offer*:
To support the implementation of the approaches covered in this course, we are offering a free place for another member of your team and/or family. To be eligible for this offer you must specify the name of the person and their email address at the booking stage. To help ensure that these places are used effectively, unused spaces will be subject to a £25 administration fee.
About The Workshop
This one day event explores:
- Understanding the Open Dialogue Approach
- Its roots and evolution
- Its principles and key elements
- Its implementation in different settings
- Its emerging evidence base
- Working more dialogically in your own context
- Gaining a deeper understanding of key aspects of the approach that can you can apply within your own context (as a peer, family member or clinician).
Suitable for: nurses, social workers, peer support workers, psychiatrists, family members, support workers, OTs, counsellors, CAMHS, managers, commissioners, substance misuse workers and anyone interested in improving the way we respond to people who are having mental health and/or social crises …
About Open Dialogue
Open Dialogue combines a way of understanding mental distress, a therapeutic practice and way of organising mental health and social care services. Originating in Western Lapland, and supported by an emerging evidence base that demonstrates exciting recovery outcomes, Open Dialogue is being implemented in a range of settings across the world (including the USA, Denmark, Italy, Australia and Japan).
Whilst the evidence base focuses on ‘first episode psychosis’, Open Dialogue is pan-diagnostic and is a response to all forms of mental health / social crises.
The approach is systemic at heart, working with the person and those who are important in their lives (e.g. family and/or friends). Its commitment to dialogue, valuing different perspectives, transparency and continuity has inspired passionate support from service users, carers, clinicians and managers alike – leading to its implementation in a number of NHS Trusts and gaining funding for a large RCT.
For more information on Open Dialogue in the NHS, see: https://youtu.be/-DkfkuIqVaM.
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