In recent years I have taken a step into research – consulting on other people’s studies (e.g. Hearing the Voice at Durham University), taking part in research committees (e.g. Open Dialogue, Intervoice) and undertaking my own research.
You can find my Researchgate profile here:
I am currently recruiting participants for two studies:
- Exploring and engaging with the perspectives of people who have substantial criticisms of Open Dialogue
- Exploring experiences of disclosure and non-disclosure amongst young adolescents who hear voices
If you know of anyone who may be interested in taking part, please share the following information with them.
Exploring and engaging with the perspectives of people who have substantial criticisms of Open Dialogue
Are you critical of the Open Dialogue approach and its development in the UK?
I’m currently in my final year of Open Dialogue UK’s three year Open Dialogue Practitioner training. I am seeking people to take part in a study on the perspectives of people who have substantial criticisms of Open Dialogue to form my thesis for this course.
Whilst there has been a surge of interest in Open Dialogue in the UK in recent years, it has also been met with strong criticisms. Rather than dismiss such critique, I feel it is crucial that we engage with, respect, understand and learn from it.
Who can take part in this study?
I am looking to speak with adults who either:
- have substantial criticisms of any aspect of Open Dialogue (the approach and/or the way it is being developed in the UK)
- have substantial concerns, worries or negative perceptions of any aspect of Open Dialogue
I am happy to speak with people who have personal and/or professional relationships to the mental health field.
What will I be asked to do?
If you decide to take part, I will arrange to meet with you (in person, ideally, or online) so I can talk with you about your perspectives on Open Dialogue. This may take around 1 hour and will consist of an informal interview, guided by a few open questions. You will be given the opportunity to discuss/comment on the understandings I develop during my study, prior to submission.
Your participation will be kept private and confidential, with any quotes used in my thesis will be fully anonymised. You have the right to withdraw at any time. For more information, email me and I will send you a participation information sheet.
Find out more
Download: OD Study Flyer | OD Study Participant Information Sheet
Email: [email protected]
Exploring experiences of disclosure and non-disclosure amongst young adolescents who hear voices
Can you help us learn more about what it’s like to talk, or not talk, with other people about the voices you hear?
Hi. My name is Rachel (Rai) and I am studying an MSc by Research in Psychology at Canterbury Christ Church University. I hear voices myself, but didn’t tell anyone about my experiences until I was an adult. I’m doing a research study to understand more about young people’s experiences of talking, or not talking, with others about voices.
Who can take part in this study?
I am looking to speak with young people who are:
- aged between 12 and 16 years old
- have experience of hearing voices (either now or recently)
People hear voices for all kinds of reasons. Some people who hear voices may also have a diagnosis of a mental health problem. Some may not. You are welcome to take part in this study whether you have a mental health problem or not. I’m interested in your experiences and how you understand them.
What will I be asked to do?
If you decide to take part, I will arrange to meet with you to talk about your experiences of hearing voices and talking about it to other people. I will bring some photos as, if you like, you can use them to help you explain how you feel. If you are aged under 16 you may need the consent of your parent or guardian to take part.
I can reimburse travel costs and can also offer a £10 high street shopping voucher in thanks for the time you have taken to take part in this research.
Find out more:
Download: YP Voices Research Flyer | YP Participant Information Sheet
Email: [email protected]
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