8 responses to “Our Family Was Forged In Fire: Living Through Postnatal Psychosis”

  1. kellie Stastny

    I actually can’t not find the words to say thank you with the depth it requires. This resonates and reverberates through my very being. Thank you for articulating the unspeakable. Your wisdom, courage and kindness are immense. So proud of you all! Enjoy celebrating Thea!

  2. Lesley

    So eloquent, so personal, so moving. Bravo Rai🥰

  3. Cindy

    Powerful, humble, brave and real. Thank you Rai for being all that you are. Blessings to you and Joel and Thea.

  4. Barbara

    thank you Rai, you are wonderful in all your facets and in being all you are, you are creating Thea’s chance to be all she can be, the light coming through a very unique way.

  5. Olga


  6. Dave Martin

    Thank you for sharing this, Rai! ❤️

  7. Berta Britz

    Rai,thank you for sharing this story. Your messages resonate truths I carry. Your capacity to hold multiple reals, expands the spaces within, between, and among us. Thea’s joy meeting the world has been nurtured, tended, tweaked by birthing from such a multifaceted vessel reflecting prisms, opening to storms & rainbows.🎶💕🌱🐣⚘

  8. Jeannie Bass

    You describe motherhood & the way it rips open the soul so eloquently. I resonated with your description of being on medication & the way thoughts evaporate. One of my favorite poets, Nayyirah Waheed has a tiny but giant ode to grieving that came to mind as I read this. “Grieve. So you can be free to feel something else.” I appreciate you opening up about your journey.

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