Making Sense of ‘Me’ By Finding HVN’s ‘We’
This article is loosely based on a talk I gave at the Hearing Voices Network’s 25 year anniversary conference last week. I was asked to talk about my relationship with HVN and what the network means to me. As the Hearing Voices Network has been a crucial part of my journey, this was something I […]
Conference: Medicating Human Distress
In November 2011 I was privileged to contribute to a fantastic conference ‘Medicating Human Distress: Concerns, Critiques and Solutions’ in Cork (Ireland). The conference was the second annual event arranged by the Irish Critical Voices Network and University College Cork. It featured a range of wonderful speakers and workshops, all of which brought some fresh life to […]
“You can’t sit on your arse and slide up a hill”
This week I was fortunate enough to be at the inspirational World Hearing Voices Congress in Sherwood Forest, Nottingham. There is so much that I would like to share with you from this fantastic event, but choosing a place to start has been surprisingly easy. Kelly Comans, an inspirational young woman from Australia, whilst giving […]
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