Don’t Pity Me: Psychosis Gave Me Mad Skills
As everyone who watched BBC Horizon’s documentary ‘Why Did I Go Mad?’ can attest, I’ve struggled with some pretty intense things: hearing voices, seeing visions, paranoia and the legacy of childhood trauma. Despite spending much of my early twenties in hospital, doped up to the eyeballs with strong medication, pity really is the last thing […]

BBC Radio 2: Talking about hearing voices with Jeremy Vine
A few weeks after the New Statesman article came out, I was approached by the Jeremy Vine show. They were hoping to speak to me as part of a feature around hearing voices. This was my third time on the show, but the first where I had to take part via phone rather than being […]

New Statesman: The voice in your head
At some point, in the midst of lockdown, I remember speaking with Sophie McBain – a New Statesman journalist looking in to the Hearing Voices Movement. As is often the case, we had a wide-ranging and deep discussion that spanned my experiences of voices and visions and touched upon some of the parts of the […]
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