Talking About Voices on BBC Radio
On 10th March Angela Woods, Nev Jones, Ben Alderson-Day, Felicity Callard & Charles Fernyhough from Durham University’s Hearing The Voices project published a research paper on the experience of voice-hearing. In and of itself, that isn’t particularly exciting. The bit that gets me about this paper is that the research was prompted by the lived experience […]

Newsweek: Hearing Voices Movement Special Report
In the Autumn, last year, I met with a lovely young journalist called William Lee Adams in a quaint tea shop in Canterbury. Sat on the sofa, surrounded by shoppers and sightseers enjoying their lunch, we chatted for an hour or two about my experiences of hearing voices and the importance of the Hearing Voices […]

On BBC1 for Children In Need with Fearne Cotton
Voice Collective is an amazing innovative project supporting children and young people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory experiences. Part of Mind in Camden’s London Hearing Voices & Distressing Beliefs Projects, it is a service that I’m really proud to have developed and managed during my time there. This is a […]

From Shouts to Whispers Hearing Voices is Not Uncommon
By Helen O’Callaghan FOR some, it happens once in a lifetime; for others it’s five times a day. For some, it’s a whisper; for others, it’s a shout or the excited babble of a crowd of football fans. The number of children and young people who hear voices is higher than we might imagine. Dr […]

News Coverage of my Irish Tour – April 2014
In April, I was invited to Ireland to train CAMHS workers in Dublin and Cork to develop Hearing Voices Groups for young people who hear voices. The tour included a free public lecture at University College Cork, as well as a keynote lecture at the Irish Institute of Mental Health Nursing Conference. The visit seemed […]

Council for Evidence Based Psychiatry Interview
Rachel’s recovery from psychiatric labelling and unnecessary treatment from CEP on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, I was interviewed by Luke from the Council for Evidence Based Psychiatry (CEP). CEP exists to communicate the evidence of the damaging effects of psychiatric drugs and treatments in the UK to the people and institutions that can make […]

Sunday Telegraph Article – Challenging Stigma
A few months ago, I was interviewed for Stella (the Sunday Telegraph’s Magazine). Here is the result. Mental illness at work: the last taboo Mental illness – be it schizophrenia, depression, autism or OCD – needn’t be the end of a career. Far from it, say these women. By Bridget Freer www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9651933/Mental-illness-at-work-the-last-taboo.html When four MPs […]

Challenging Stigma on the Jeremy Vine Show
Whilst I really appreciated the chance to challenge popular stereotypes about people diagnosed with ‘schizophrenia’ in The Sun, I felt a little disappointed that I did not have the opportunity to show that the difficulties labelled at ‘psychotic’ make sense in the context of someone’s life experiences. So, when Jeremy Vine’s producer contacted me through […]

Me in Full House Magazine
Following on from the Sun article, Time To Change asked me to speak with Full House Magazine about my experiences. Again, I was a little dubious as these magazines have a reputation for sensationalisation and the ‘shock! horror!’ version of my story may do little to counter people’s stereotypes. Still, after speaking with the journalist […]

The Sun: Talking about the diagnosis of ‘schizophrenia’
In October 2010, as part of the Time To Change campaign, I was asked to share some of my story in The Sun newspaper. As you may imagine, given the tabloid paper’s usual take on diagnoses such as schizophrenia, I was initially a little sceptical. The whole thing was quite surreal. Whilst the result was […]
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